Anastacia a Dima Bilan - další novinky z Východu

Anastacia Dima Bilan MuzTV Awards 2010Pojďme si alespoň krátce shrnout další novinky, které k nám dorazily z Východu. Nově jsou uveřejněny hight quality fotky z Anastaciina příjezdu na MuzTV Awards 2010 (tzv. red carpet photos). Detailně tak můžete rozebrat Anastaciin "staronový" look, kdy jí to opravdu neskutečně sluší.

fotky: Anastacia - red carpet #1 (MuzTV Awards 2010) »
fotky: Anastacia - red carpet #2 (MuzTV Awards 2010) »

Pro připomenutí rekapitulujeme rovněž tiskovou konferenci, které se oba zpěváci (Dima Bilan i Anastacia) zúčastnili v pátek před vystoupením na předávání hudebních cen MuzTV Awards 2010. V průběhu tiskovky Anastacia prozradila, že místem pro natáčení videoklipu k písni "Safety" bude Rusko. Dnešní den byl prvním natáčecím dnem, který dává za vznik připravovanému klipu k duetu "Safety". Doufejme, že co nevidět budou k vidění výsledky jejich společné práce. Videozáznam včetně anglické transkripce naleznete v detailu článku, fotogalerii si můžete prohlédnout na níže uvedeném odkazu.

fotky: Anastacia a Dima Bilna - tisková konference MuzTV Awards 2010 (Moskva) »

Na dnešní den měli Anastacia a Dima Bilan naplánované rovněž focení pro ruský magazín OK!, který by dle dostupných informací měl vyjít již v průběhu příštího měsíce. Anastacia je opět v jednom kole a my se tak máme na co těšit.

Anastcia a Dima Bilna - tisková konference MuzTV Awards 2010:

Přepis z tiskové konference:

Reporter: There is no video, no photo and no speech where you look upset. You are always smiling and radiating optimism. Where in you does the positive energy come from?

Anastacia: Do you know, someone is born with a positive attitude, someone with a negative and they go with that setup for life. Those, however, I believe that if you have any trouble in my life, must find the strength to overcome them. Through all the storms, through darkness. Otherwise, why all this? What is the purpose in life? It's not only my point of view, this is what I want to see in people: we must all move forward to a positive.

Reporter: How did your proprietary manner of execution?

Anastacia: I call it a gift. I'm not Beyonce, I'm not dark-skinned, I do not know how to categorize my vocals. I am grateful that I was accepted that what I have.

Reporter: This is not your first time in Russia...

Anastacia: If you're asking about the Russian words that I know, yes: "goodbye" and "vodka", but it's very simple. Generally speaking, for me Moscow is a place of my dreams. The first time I came here was in 2005. I was so impressed that I brought my Mom. A visit to Russia means a lot to my Mom. A room where we were staying looked straight over the Red Square. All through the night we sat by the window and enjoyed the view, and only this morning we thought why not go out and walk around the Red Square. And it was perfect: The previous morning, few people and beautiful Moscow.

I've got a Russian name. I'm Anastasia. Soon I will be just Russian, I will eat your kitchen (?) and cook Russian cuisine.

Reporter: What do you know about the award Muz TV?

Anastacia: As far as I know this is a Russian variant of the MTV Music Awards. But this is not an international award, this is only a Russian award and this is a great honor for me. After all, to get on MTV - it's not so hard, it's much harder to be invited to the national award.

Journalist: When asked how Dima and Anastacia met, the first response was from Bilan:
Dima: I am very pleased to see our guests, such wonderful guests. I met Anastacia two years ago at a private party, and since we are friends.

Anastacia: Dima, for me, is something special. He's a very kind and open person. An actor who is a real talent. This is a special friend. I am honored to work and speak with the № 1 Russian singer . I know him very well and have met in real life and on stage. It was very easy. Today we will sing together. We'll sing a song we recently recorded.

Reporter: Dima, tell us about the song itself, and how you work with the American singer?

Dima: Thank God, that song 'Safety', which we now have, written by Edwin Titanium Kid and produced by Evan Bogart and Busby. We do not have to call the songwriter, but here it must be emphasized that these are very professional people. This is very professionally written and was made a song. It's about us. It's about how important it is to save yourself, save you, save the world. This song can hardly be called a "product".

I had previously thought: How can we work together in the studio? Indeed, we have worked as real partners. We corrected each other, prompted some moves.

Reporter: Dima, but what about Lena? She is not jealous?

Dima: Lena at this point is in the Sorbonne, she has exams. She finally received a serious profession. Though she is not here today she is in my heart. I take this opportunity to send her greetings.

Reporter: Anastacia, but as you seemed to work with Dima?

Anastacia: For me it was unusual that, when I went to his studio, it was already prepared for what I'll record. I went in, and Dima records his part. Above this it was very interesting to watch.

Reporter: What do you like in Russian men?

Anastacia: To all: Humor, intelligence, authoritativeness - this is my kind of guy. But they all need to learn English (laughs). But women, too, in Russia are so slender and have strong spirits.

Summarized producer Yana Rudkovskaya:

- I want to add that this is the first time Muz-TV makes such a step. After all, according to tradition who favor the latter - the same top-end performer. And then - the premiere song premiered stellar duo. I'm a "team", and even the manager, and I can say that the international premiere of the duo - it's great.

We are shooting a clip. This is the first time that our compatriot makes a video with an international guest star which is not in Los Angeles or London, but in Russia. I am very pleased that Anastacia took our idea. We offered a lot of places where you could make a video, but she chose Russia. I think this is great progress.
